Article Processing Policies

Article Processing Charges (APC) Policy


The Journal of Techno Trainers is committed to fostering an open and transparent publishing process. As part of our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity, we operate under a sustainable publishing model that relies on Article Processing Charges (APCs) to cover the costs associated with the publication process.


1. Purpose of APCs:

APCs play a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability and viability of our journal. These charges help offset the expenses incurred in manuscript processing, peer review management, editorial oversight, copyediting, typesetting, indexing, archiving, and other essential services that contribute to the publication of high-quality scholarly articles.

2. Fee Structure:

The APC for manuscripts accepted for publication in the Journal of Techno Trainers is structured as follows:

Regular Articles: PKR. 40,000 / $ 150

Please note that the APC may vary depending on factors such as manuscript length, complexity, and additional services requested by the author(s).


3. Waivers and Discounts:

Recognizing the importance of equitable access to scholarly publishing, the Journal of Techno Trainers offers waivers or discounts on APCs under the following circumstances:

Waivers: Authors from low-income countries or institutions with limited funding may request a full waiver of the APC. Waiver requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the author's financial circumstances and the quality of the submitted manuscript.

Discounts: In certain cases, discounts on APCs may be available for authors facing financial constraints. Authors can request a discount by providing relevant documentation or justification for their request.


4. Payment Process:

Upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication, authors will be notified of the applicable APC and provided with instructions for payment. Payment of the APC must be completed before the article can be published online.


5. Transparency and Accountability:

The Journal of Techno Trainers is committed to transparency and accountability in its APC policy. Detailed information regarding APCs, including the breakdown of costs and available payment options, will be communicated to authors at the time of manuscript submission and throughout the publication process.


6. Contact Information: For inquiries related to APCs or requests for waivers/discounts, please contact the Editorial Office at


7. Revision of APC Policy:

The APC policy of the Journal of Techno Trainers may be revised periodically to reflect changes in publishing practices, industry standards, or journal operations. Any revisions to the APC policy will be communicated to authors in advance.

By submitting their manuscripts to the Journal of Techno Trainers, authors acknowledge and agree to comply with the APC policy outlined herein.