Journal Policies

Journal Policies

1. Submission Policy

Submissions are accepted from researchers, scholars, and professionals across various disciplines. Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Submission Process:
Manuscripts should be submitted via the journal's online submission system, including a cover letter, abstract, keywords, and references formatted according to the journal’s guidelines.

Manuscript Preparation:
Authors must follow the journal’s formatting guidelines, including word count, citation style, and structure. Figures, tables, and supplementary materials should be included as specified.

Review Process:
All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process. Initial feedback will be provided within 4-6 weeks.

2. Peer Review Policy

Reviewers must treat all manuscripts as confidential documents. Information or ideas obtained through peer review must not be used for personal advantage.

Reviewer Conduct:
Reviews should be objective, providing clear and constructive feedback. Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the editorial board.

Reviewers are expected to complete reviews within 2-4 weeks. If unable to meet the deadline, reviewers should notify the editorial team promptly.

3. Ethical Policy

Manuscripts are subject to plagiarism checks using [specify tool]. Plagiarism is unacceptable and constitutes unethical publishing behavior.

Conflict of Interest:
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Reviewers and editors must recuse themselves from handling manuscripts where a conflict exists.

Research Integrity:
Authors must adhere to ethical standards in research, including necessary approvals for studies involving human or animal subjects.

4. Publication Policy

Open Access:
The journal provides open access to its content, supporting the global exchange of knowledge.

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal first publication rights. The journal is licensed under [specify license, e.g., Creative Commons Attribution License], allowing sharing with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication.

Corrections and Retractions:
Corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies will be published as needed. Authors must notify the editorial team of errors discovered post-publication.

5. Data Policy

Data Availability:
Authors are encouraged to deposit their data in public repositories and provide a data availability statement.

Data Sharing:
Authors must be prepared to share their data with other researchers upon reasonable request.

6. Privacy Policy

Personal Data:
The journal collects personal data such as names and email addresses for managing submissions and communications. Personal data will not be shared without consent.

Usage Data:
The website may use cookies to improve user experience and track usage. Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.

7. Editorial Policy

Editorial Independence:
Publication decisions are based on the quality and relevance of the work, free from external influence.

Editorial Board:
The editorial board comprises experts from diverse fields to ensure a broad review process. Board members must adhere to the conflict of interest policy.

8. Advertising Policy

Acceptance of Advertisements:
Advertisements must be relevant to the journal’s audience and not compromise its integrity. The journal reserves the right to reject inappropriate advertisements.

Editorial and Advertising Separation:
Advertisements are clearly marked and kept separate from editorial content.